Amazing Grace

Please remember the Beloved Wives
of our Associations Former Crew Members


Adler, Susan  Joel
Aldrich, Virginia F.
Robert H.
Angelico, Eleanor
Sam  1955-1955
Atwell, Hannah
Bahmeier, Julia Fred 1944-1945
Barnwell, Doris Jerry  1950-1952
Batka, Frances Robert 1951-1953
Beers, Mildred Curtis 1955-1958
Bennett, Joyce Richard 1952-1956
Bishop, Betty Frank 1951-1955
Blake, Jane Warren 1944-1946
Bodnar, Laura Perry 1951-1955
Bradshaw, LaDonna Thomas 1987-1990
Bramble, Doris William  1951-1953
Brinkman, Joyce Richard 1950-1954
Brown, Catherine
Robert  1945-1946
Brown, Kathleen
Thomas 1952-1953
Brownlee, Joanne
Richard 1951-1953
Bryant, Rachel        Lee( 1943-1946
Bulmer, Claire Lawrence 1956-1958
Cacchione, Antionette George 1953-1954
Casey, Helen Paul  1956-1957
Christopher, Mary Charles 1955-1957
Condon, Bonnie
Costande, Lucy
Couch, Sue James 1951-1954
Crawley, June Frank 1951-1952
Cummisk, Helen John 1951-1954
Danielle, Gloria  Joseph 1944-1945
De Boer, Lois Richard 1953-1954
DeLoach, Virginia Lloyd  1943-1945
Determan, Judith Joseph 1951-1954
Dillon, Jean Thomas 1952-1954
Dionne, Helen Henry 1950-1954
Downs, Eleanor   James  1944-1945
Episcopo, Janet E. Rocco 1951-1955
Espinoza, Betty Luis 1955-1956
Fimmano, Constance  Joseph 1951-1952
FitzGerald, Millie James  1951-1954
Frazier, Elizabeth Wlliam  1944-1945
Fulcher, Shirley A. Thomas 1953-1955
Garthwaite, Judie Richard 1946-1947
Goodman, Nancy Sue  James   1952-1956
Grand, Geraldine Chester  1955-1956
Guariglia, Irene Vincent 1952-1955
Hall, Betty Wendell 1951-1952
Halloran, Mary Charles 1951-1953
Hamann, Claire Richard 1950-1950
Hambright, Marlynn James 1950-1952
Hammer, Gail Donald 1944-1945
Hansbrough, Clarice
Robert 1944-1945
Harvey, Antoinette Richard 1946-1948
Hendricks, Shirley Frederick 1953-1956
Hogan, Sophie Edward F. 1943-1946
Hood, Sue Robert 1951-1955
Hunt, Mary Raymond 1952-1954
Irey, Valerai John 1955-1956
Ives, Charlita James 1987-1989
Jackson, Hilda Raymond  1953-1956
Jenkins, Betty E. Robert 1944-1946
Johnson, Anna
Windell 1952-1956
Johnson, Helen James 1945
Johnson, Marilyn Bernard  1944-1945
Kentfield, Ellen Charles  1944-1946
Kintz, Ruth William  1944-1945
Kiuttz,  Edna Robert  1943-1945
Koffel, Carol
Kokidko, Claire J. Leo 1943-1946
Kraus, Helen Walter  1945-1946
Lampert, Valda
Donald 1951-1954
Leick, Virginia Richard 1952-1954
Lindsey, Cynthia Zack 1987-1991
Long, Mary Thomas   1945-1947
Lynn, Janet Howard 1950-1954
Magliulo, Kathleen  Ralph  1946-1948
Malkowski, Helen
Sigmund 1951-1952
Marconnetti, Donna Harold  1951-1951
Marko, Elizabeth John  1951-1954
Marshall, Elizabeth Richard 1991-1991
Mattis, Rose, Marie Karl 1951-1954
May, Marion
Robert 1946-1946
McAlister, Jeanette Kenneth 1944-1945
McBride, Eleanor A.
Thomas 1955-1956
McCann, Phyllis Thomas  1944-1946
McGoldrick, Sarah Louis  1950-1952
McGroarty, Florence James  1944-1946
McHale, Florence Joseph 1944-1946
McStay, Rosemary Joseph 1945-1947
Mehrer, Florence E. Walter 1944-1946
Menta, Lillian Dominic 1952-1956
Michaelsen, Edith John 1950-1954
Mitchler, Helen Robert  1951-1951
Moore, Jean Frank  1951-1952
Morrison, Helen Edgar 1944-1948
Nash, Mary Estelle Charles 1946-1947
Neighbors, Myrtle Joseph 1944-1946
Nelson, Marie Myron  1944-1945
Nemovitz, Mildred Edward 1944-1945
Nichols, Pattie George 1945-1946
Nicholson, Kathleen Howard 1951-1952
O’Connor, Lois Paul 1956-1957
Olson, Majorie Arthur  1951-1954
O’Sullivan, Dorothy Jerry 1951-1952
Pearson, Glady’s Marshall  1943-1946
Perrin, Jayne Martin,  1944-1945
Phifer, Elizabeth Arvel 1944-1945
Picuri, Marie John 1944-1946
Prichard, Frances M. Albert 1951-1954
Ragsdale,  Eula Hugh  1943-1946
Raines, Patsy A. Robert 1956-1958
Raper, Doris Ashley 1951-1954
Redmond, OlaMae Clifford 1944-1946
Reese, Clara William 1944-1946
Register, Ethel Marvin 1953-1953
Rhine, Ruth John D.  1944-1946
Rice, Flora James  1944-1945
Rice, June Donald 1954-1958
Risse, Ollie Herb 1947-1948
Rodencal, Mary John 1945-1946
Rodgers, Edna Don 1946-1947
Roehrig, Doris Edward 1945-1945
Rohrbeck, Janet Glenn 1955-1956
Rosell, Betty B. Harry  1944-1945
Rosenblatt, Maryjo Michael 1987-1991
Rougeot, Patricia  Roger 1952-1956
Rusnak, Katherine Steve 1944-1946
Ryan, Mildred Thurman 1944-1946
Sain, Donna R. Charles 1943-1946
Saracione, Grace Frank  1955-1958
Schmidtmann, Ruth J. Edward 1944-1946
Schultz, Wanda Ken 1952-1955
Seely, Mary Janet Philip 1944-1946
Sewell, Dora Jean David 1956-1958
Smith, Martha  Theodore  1944-1945
Smith, Patricia A. 
Sneed, Wilma James  1955-1958
Spangler, Doris Harry 1946-1948
Spencer, Carol M.
Elbert 1953-1956
Squires, Winifred Richard 1951-1952
Stocker, Patricia Robert 1952-1954
Swainson, Rosemary John 1955-1958
Testa, Joan
Theberge, Florence George 1951-1952
Tonhaiser, Judith Richard  1953
Trimmer, Larue Jack 1951-1952
Wadsworth, Sara Walter 1953-1955
Ward, Cora Lee Franklin  1944-1945
Warner, Marietta John 1951-1958
Wheland, Joyce Ivan 1953-1955
Wilson, Evelyn M. Seth 1951-1954
Vang, Betty Carlton 1953-1955
Wiechelt, Sally J. Earl 1951-1952
Willard, Barbara Harold  1951-1953
Williams, Jane Teddy  1951-1952
Woods, Anne Louise Cecil 1988-1991
 Wilt, Norma Lee Frank A.   1951-1954
Zaker, Catherine A Richard 1956-1958


Send E-mail to Dom Menta with questions or comments about this web-site. This website was established in 1998 and all contents are the property of the USS Wisconsin Association.  If you desire to use graphics or other info from this website – please E-mail Dom Menta